Think Before You Click (Cyber Bullying, Software Privacy and Plagiarism)

Cyberbullying | How to Protect Yourself & Get Support | Kids Helpline
Sometimes, I was wondering why most of the people act immature in terms of giving comments or opinions. How can they easily share their thoughts or should I say the low class of judging people? Why don't we think before we assume things easily and spread false information? Why we are so irresponsible of stealing someone's artwork or even their private information? How can we manage unity when we are selfish.

What will happen if our society covered Cyberbullying? It is really good for our country when we all voice out what we wanted to say to someone we hate in Social Media? Which is the medium of our globalization connection? This might lead to affect emotionally discourage someone you accused of. Think of an ugly duckling who kills his mind from his insecurities. How he hates himself and asking why did he was born to this world. Until he never believes in the people that have cared for him and decide to lost his body like he never existed. Would you feel guilty or regret once you heard that this ugly duckling story happened to the person you judge like you actually know him but totally not.
Now let's talked about Software Privacy and Plagiarism. Software Privacy is computer software that ignores users' privacy and that is distributed with a specific intent, often of a commercial nature. While Plagiarism is presenting someone else's work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgment. It is really simple for us to know someone's privacy so technically we must give their self space and privacy. It's natural to acknowledge someone's work with their own thoughts. These simple ethical behavior we always think useless and we avoid the values we need.

We should be know how to deal with our society in terms of using technologies and don't blame our generation because it is not about our generation's fault. It is just you are being irresponsible to apply these ethical values. You have a profession or not, the significance of acting like a fellowman is that you have the initiative to limit your irresponsible act and be responsible human in our society.


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