Key Freedom of Expression Issues

Free speech or censorship? Social media litigation is a hot legal ...

According to FreedomHouse, "Free speech and expression is the lifeblood of democracy, facilitating open debate, the proper consideration of diverse interests and perspectives."
The proper consideration of diverse interests and perspectives, and negotiation and compromise are necessary for consensual policy decisions. However, there's still a limitation in terms of having a freedom expression. Like for example, nowadays people mostly like to post all their daily routines like having a meal, hangouts or even update people about their private life. Is it okay that anything that you do, anywhere that you go and anything that you feel is posted on social media?

You can't be sure that all viewers or likers of your posts are harmless. You can't tell if they can't track you where you go and what you want to do within a day. The thing is every detail in your post will be considered as a material that can be taken by someone who stalked you and might plan on hurting you.

Be mindful that likers or reactions that you received are not always a compliment to admire. You should also lessen your friends. It's not important to have a lot of friends list in your account. You must make sure that these friend list of your are not strangers. We need to be careful in our social media because once you post every update with your life you can't be sure that who wants to be your friend or someone who does bad things.


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