What is Cyber Crime: Types and Prevention | techcresendo

Republic Act No. 10175 is a defining cybercrime, providing for the prevention, investigation, suppression, and the imposition of penalties therefor and for other purposes. It's a good deal to control all crimes in terms of cybercrime. We need to spread this law to lessen the population of crimes because most of the people don't know what is the corresponding punishment when they commit cybercrimes. This is why they think it is easy to physically assault someone just by using the internet. For example, the case where the professor post in social media threatening our present president. Now he was found in jail, apologizing to the president telling this won't gonna happen again. 

As a millennial baby, it's required to be aware of these actions because it is not an excuse that this is your own account so you can post or upload what you want. You only make yourself in danger because you don't accompany our laws and this little mistake can be brought you in bigger mistake. So I suggest to all the people, we must follow these rules and regulations as we protect ourselves in danger. In this way, we could help each other to make their social media in a safe place. I hope one day all Millenials lessen posting their nude photos and other inappropriate images or foul message in social media. Always be thoughtful when we share the link, posting, and live streaming, and also you need to compass your limitation to avoid cybercrimes. 

However, I found out while I'm browsing about CyberCrime Law. There are people where make a protest in CyberCrime Law. Then I read the reason why they make prevention act, they reason out that this law will only make the people lose their right to voice out their opinions in terms of the political issues. But for me, we need to make a law to lessen the CyberCrime.


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