Key Freedom of Expression Issues

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There are 5 important privacy issues that we need to be aware of: Identity Theft, Data Breaches, Purchase of Personal Data, Phishing, and Spyware. Identity Theft is someone steals key pieces of personal information to impersonate a person like for example name, address, passport number social security number and etc.
Data Breaches involves breaches of large databases to gain personal identity information, for example, the incident of adobe customer's account hacked. The purchase of personal data is a black market in which credit card numbers can be purchased in bulk quantity. Phishing is users entering information on a counterfeit web site while the Spyware creates a record of the keystrokes entered on the computer.
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Now, I'll ask you. Is it okay for you that someone knows your password on your cellphone or Social media Account? Do you consider partners to know your password? Definitely is a no. Why? because you have to protect your personal data which means you deserved to have your rights to keep your privacy by yourself and no one else. It is necessary to remember that you shouldn't trust anyone in terms of sharing personal information, passwords, and social security number. Personal space is a matter of fact that we need to apply in every aspect of our lives because with these we can protect ourselves with our own seek.

"You are not a fool if you don't let others fool you". Sometimes we need to be secure enough to avoid these privacy issues since in our modern world the medium becomes rapid to convey any information because as a Computer Science I'm aware of what kind of world could access your files if you are not good enough to secure your data.


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